Monday, July 20, 2020

Football Season is Coming

In looking around for challenges I came across the Always Fun Challenges blog and they have a challenge going on right now, "Anything but a card".   Today I just finished my Diamond Dotz Chief's helmet project (getting ready for Chief's football) and thought I'd share it with you.  This is for my son-in-law's birthday in August.  He's never on the computer so I'm safe sharing.

Kreative Kreations has all football team helmets if you think you'd like to make one of your favorite team.  It's one of those hobbies where your mind is blank while you are adhering the dots.  I've needed those days where a blank mind was a good thing,,,,,,lol

Enjoy and I'll see you again soon.
Love & Hugs,
Granny Carol

1 comment:

Jackie C said...

I'm a diamond dot fan! I have an audiobook on and I pass the hours by, bliss!
Perfect for our Challenge!
So glad that you have shared your great artwork with us here at Always Fun Challenges.
Good luck hun and do come back again!
Jackie DT @AFC