Thought I'd pop in and let you all know that I'm not going to be blogging for awhile. Not sure just how long I'm going to be away. My right arm is swelling quite a bit as is my wrist and fingers which is very painful to use at that point. Seems every time I try to color or make something I have to stop after about 10 minutes and get so darn frustrated. See the doctor next week so will wait and see what he says.
The 23rd my little Sparkey is having cataract surgery as he is going blind from the diabetes and can only see shadows now. That will be taking up a lot of my time for 2 weeks. At least he will be able to see again, play, and chase things after a few weeks. He's only 8 and should have quite a few good years left. If nothing else he will get over being depressed and running into things. The Vet Ophthalmologist is in Kansas City so that means several trips back and forth for pressure checks, follow-ups, etc. and I know I'm going to be exhausted.
Sharing my babies:
Sparkey (Age 8)
Fritz (Rescue) Age 2 - Sparkey
Playing tug of war
Sleeping together in Molly's big bed (Molly (Lab) now deceased)
Will pop in for updates as time allows. Hope you are enjoying your summer or winter wherever you are.
Love & Hugs,